Publix #712 Revisited: My Primary Publix

Publix #712 11667 Boyette Rd, Riverview, FL. - Goolsby Pointe Shopping Center This Publix store opened in 2000, and is a typical 44.1P model Publix from this era. These 2000's Publix stores have the entrances and exits shaped like a diamond. You can see an example in the photo above. Welcome to Publix #712! The pharmacy is located after you enter through the main set of doors. Located after the pharmacy is the store’s floral department. The Publix Aprons counter was updated in 2019. The deli department is located after the bakery to the right of aisle 1. And here is the Publix Bakery! The produce department at Publix #712, located after aisle 1 ends. Aisle 2 in the store. This aisle is split between groceries to the left, and dairy to the right. Dairy runs along the back side of aisles 3 through 12. Aisle 5, home to canned products, soups, and utensils. Aisle 7. Aisle 8 is home to cookies/crackers, rice/beans, and magazines. You might notice the one way signage throughout the store...